
Engaging Each Day with Action Words

Collect. — Calling All Signature ‘TagLines’

on December 16, 2013

Last year,  I decided to change my personal signature line.  You know what I’m talking about. The way we sign our letters, notes, emails. I have been a closet collector of others’ ‘tag lines’ over the past year or so.

“Peace and Cheers”
“Love and Light”

I adopted the phrase, “Enjoy the Day” and tried to make it mine. Take care and Enjoy the day. Thanks and Enjoy the day. The idea was to bring focus to really enjoying each and every day. There’s nothing wrong wth that. Let’s really be intentional about finding times in our days to enjoy. Have fun with. Notice. Pay attention.

But then I discovered that it wasn’t enough.

In my professional life, I am constantly talking to folks about actively engaging students in their learning. Whoever does the most work, learns the most. Students have to be actively engaged in their own learning in order to get the most out of it. I swear I say that every day.

And I decided that was what I want to do each day. I don’t want to just enjoy the day. I want to engage it. I want to engage with it. I want to get dirty and make a mess with it. I want to mess up and make it right. I want to pay attention, but actively give attention to it. I want to be an active participant with each day. I want to notice it, but also make a note of it.

I’m here to do the work. I want to learn the most. So for the past year,  I have been using the line:

Engage the Day.

But again…it is time for a change. 

With a new year comes a new tagline. A new focus. A few new goals.

My experiences recently trying to help organize The Giving Tree Food Pantry Angel Tree have taught me some very important lessons.

Lessons about faith.

Lessons about hope.

Lessons about believing.

Lessons about doubt.

Lessons about needs and wants.

Lessons about enough.

Lessons about action.

Lessons about being still.

Lessons about what is important.

Lessons about what is not.

So, I’m playing around with finding a new personal signature line for 2014:

Faith. Hope. Fishes and Loaves.

What do you think?

I know. I know. They are not verbs. But they might as well be.

I figure it might raise a few eyebrows, maybe a few questions. Either way, should be a fun conversation starter of sorts.

So. Now I’m coming out of the collecting closet and I want to know…

What is your signature tag line and why did you choose that? What does it mean to you? What’s the story behind it?

Send me a message or leave a comment and I’ll put together a post, tagging you of course, to share and inspire others!

Happy Taglining!

Faith. Hope. Fishes and Loaves.



12 responses to “Collect. — Calling All Signature ‘TagLines’

  1. Reblogged this on haseebakram740 and commented:
    YES everybody wants to make its own signature

  2. Irvine P. Freeley says:

    There’s a big difference between “doing” and “hoping.” “Engage the Day” is about action. Fishes and Loaves is about hope.

    • MommyVerbs says:

      To me…I think fishes and loaves is more than just hope. It is believing that bigger things can happen. Believing that the impossible can become a reality. Trusting that there will always be enough … and more to go around.

  3. Irvine P. Freeley says:

    It wasn’t hope that got Andy Dufresne out of Shawshank Prison. It was action.

    Engage the Day resonates with me. It makes me want to run a half-marathon… The whole idea of intention, action, doing, taking control… Fishes and Loaves is why people buy lottery tickets.

    My two cents.

  4. Lead Our Lives says:

    What I love about this post, Sharon, is how your choice of what resonates for you is what you offer to help us all consider what might be our truth, expressed in a few words at the end of a message. I suppose we would like to exhort those with whom we are communicating to find something of themselves as they read the words of our hearts, which follow our name. Mine would be…Lead your best life….from your heart. Surprised? 😉

    • MommyVerbs says:

      Not surprised at all. Which I love. Because you are so sincere and genuine, I probably could have written that before you even shared. You truly do walk your talk and since your words are so wise, you can’t help but inspire us all. Thank you.

  5. I usually end correspondence with “Blessings” – not very imaginative, is it? 🙂

  6. Your existing tag line is fabulous. Please don’t change it.

  7. Mom2two says:

    I wouldn’t call this my tagline but it is my verbiage for dealing with life’s changes.

    “Goodbyes are not forever, they are simply I’ll miss you until we meet again”

Comment Challenge: Start your comment with one action word. Then Proceed. Go: